Children are competent, capable, curious and rich in potential
Children are the central piece to a family and community and they hold the future in their minds, bodies and spirits. We embrace each child and recognize his/her individual gifts. Families include individuals who are competent, capable, curious and rich in experience Families nurture and teach children to become who they are meant to be. We embrace each family and support them in their role as the most important people in a child’s life. Educators are competent, capable, curious and rich in potential Educators bring a range of professional and life experiences that enriches the lives and experiences of children in their care. What we do today matters tomorrow

Every child has a sense of belonging when he/she is connected to others and contributes to his/her world. Parents/guardians feel a sense of belonging when they are connected to others and contribute to their community.
To cultivate authentic, caring relationships and connections to create a sense of belonging among and between children, staff, families and community.
Promote and celebrate Inuit culture and language:
We promote Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit principles in interactions, activities, teachings and relationships.
We understand the integral role that Inuktitut plays in culture.
We support and encourage the learning, retention and preservation of Inuktitut.
We share culture and language resources with parents/guardians.
We encourage children and families to be proud of their Inuit heritage.
We incorporate traditional play items such as bone games, string games, ulus, drums, amautiit, atigiik, Inuit dolls into children’s play.
We set up the learning environment with books, print materials and other artifacts that promote Inuit culture and language.
We engage Elders and community members to teach and show traditional skills and knowledge.
We teach children traditional skills and knowledge such as preparing country food, reading the weather, seasonal changes, sewing, carving and lighting the qulliq.
We model and teach children to show respect for Elders.
We demonstrate respect for and understanding of traditional naming practices that honour the spirit of loved ones.
We accommodate the needs of children whose first language is Inuktitut.
Support positive and responsive interactions among the children, families, educators and staff:
We develop and model caring, accepting, respectful, supportive, trustworthy, responsive and positive relationships with and amongst children, families, educators and staff.
We encourage children to do their best to help and care for others.
We connect with each child and recognize and value his/her unique spirit, individuality and presence.
We accept and respect children and parents/guardians where they are at as individuals.
We develop strong bonds with children and take the role of extended family in supporting the family.
We foster positive relationships amongst staff and support individual staff in a caring manner.
We create a caring learning environment where children play collaboratively and participate together in daily routines.

Plan for and create positive learning environments and experiences in which each child’s unique learning, abilities, perspective and development will be supported:
We allow individual children to develop at their own pace, while recognizing and supporting developmental milestones.
We develop policies, practices and environments that respect and support inclusion, meaningful participation and a sense of belonging for all children.

Build trusting relationships and connections with families to promote a sense of belonging at Inuuqatigiit:
We understand that a period of adjustment is expected when families relocate to Ottawa from the North and we support them through this transition.
We create a welcoming environment where families feel comfortable, get involved, share knowledge and have a sense of shared ownership.
We provide transportation services to children to reduce barriers to engagement.
We foster an open door policy for families to be involved.
We respect and support individual family values in raising children.
We recognize, respect and support the importance of parent-child attachment.
We welcome new families with open arms and find ways to connect families with each other.
We know the importance of family, extended family and community in the child’s life.
We provide space for CAS parent-child access visits.
We support bilingual and bi-cultural families by engaging all families.
We engage adoptive and foster parents to gain their perspective and promote engagement.
Recognize that each person has a valuable contribution in serving our community:
We create a sense of belonging and acceptance where every child is valued by others.
We see children as a gift to the community and central to the family and community.
We find ways to integrate the unique perspective of parents/guardians, caregivers and extended family in meaningful and authentic ways.
We value the many relationships that children form with adults, other children, the community and the natural environment.
We rely on a strength-based approach to support unique gifts, skills and talents of children, staff and families.
We celebrate and share the beauty of Inuit culture through children’s performances in the community.