Educational Hubs
The Educational Hubs supports Inuit youth from ages 6 – 18 who are currently enrolled in virtual school for this academic 2021-2022 year.
On November 2020, The Educational Hubs program ran from 9:30am to 2:30pm at Hardini Community, with a Recreation Centre located at 235 Donald St, in Overbrook, Ottawa.
At the Educational Hubs program, we provide Inuit children and youth a wide range of activities outside of their daily academic schedule, such as sports, arts, and cultural teachings. Each hub of 6-8 students is supported by a teacher, educational assistant, and cultural educator and provides the opportunity for each youth to learn traditional skills as well as learning Inuktitut and syllabics.
Students will be able to receive support with their online learning, as well as individualized planning to address unmet academic needs.

While at the Educational Hubs program, the youth will be provided a healthy snack and lunch each day. Nutritional accommodations for allergies and dietary restrictions can be made. Transportation is also available to eliminate barriers for accessing the program.
To register for the Educational Hubs Program, please connect with our Intake officer, Clara, through Inuuqatigiit- Centre for Inuit Children, Youth and Families. Once this process is completed, the youth can be enrolled in the program 1-2 days per week.
For program information please contact: Daniel Fyfe, Youth Manager, t: 613-746-5400 ext: 223 or secondly, Inini McHugh, Manager of Education, 613-697-5129