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Every child is a curious, active and engaged learner who has a love of learning and joy in discovery.

Parents/guardians are active and engaged in their child’s learning and education.
Community partners are engaged with our programs.

To provide environments and experiences that engage children in active, creative, and meaningful exploration, play and inquiry.

To encourage families to be engaged in their child’s learning and education.
To reach each out to community partners to engage them in our programs.


Foster the children’s exploration, play and inquiry and provide a blend of child-initiated and adult-supported experiences:


  • We plan daily routines with limited interruptions and transitions to provide ample time for children to choose and engage in different types of fun, sustained, complex play and inquiry.

  • We plan curriculum through a wide variety of interesting objects and open-ended materials for children to explore with their senses, manipulate and investigate.

  • We foster children’s interest in and connections with stories and books.

  • We plan monthly field trips to provide fun educational experiences.

  • We understand that play is critical to the development of creativity, imagination, independence, friendships and solving problems and conflicts.

  • We take an active role in play with the children.

  • We recognize that children learn from observation and through experience e.g. beading, sewing, cleaning skins.

Involve local community partners in programs and in supporting children, families and staff:

  • We work with families and community partners to make flexible program adaptations and provide special equipment and or adaptive devices when needed.

  • We promote an open door policy and visitors and guests are warmly greeted.

  • We build partnerships with a range of service agencies in the community.

Foster children’s preparation for entry into school:

  • We plan activities that will help children discover and develop awareness and understanding of key concepts of literacy and numeracy.

  • We liaise with elementary schools and teachers to foster smooth transitions.

  • We help prepare families for their child’s entry into school.


Foster the engagement of and ongoing communication with families about the program and their children:

  • We respect and support different types of families; are inclusive of non-Inuit and adoptive/foster families.

  • We encourage families’ involvement in their child’s early learning and development e.g. sharing information, volunteers, visitors, sharing traditional skills, Board of Directors, Parent Council.

  • We provide a thorough intake process for families that includes visits to centre, registration, Theory of Change questionnaires, parent handbooks and parent orientation / BBQ.

  • We foster a strong sense of belonging and connection to the community through celebrations and events e.g. parent orientation / BBQ, AGM, Christmas Party, year-end celebrations, Inuit Day.

  • We engage in ongoing and regular communication with families e.g. communication books, progress reports, newsletters.

Document and review the impact of these strategies on the children and their families:

  • We observe and document children’s thinking, learning and development to make it visible to children, families and others.

  • We share information about children’s progress through bi-annual progress reports and Parent-Educator interviews.

  • We plan curriculum using specific knowledge from observations of individual children in the program including skills, knowledge, needs, interests and learning styles.

Support individuals, educators and staff in being life-long learners:

  • We provide professional development opportunities to educators and other staff on a regular basis.

  • We encourage educators to reflect on their practice and discuss different perspectives.

  • We support the involvement of students in our programs e.g. ECE, Co-op, University.

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